_ _____________________________________________________________________
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|  |                                MUDA-L                                \
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    | UPDATE September 1 2023: Due to increasing problems caused by       |
    | spammers (mailman subscription spam) I disabled the mailman service |
    | (and with it MUDA-L) today.                                         |
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    | Remember the days before the silliness of social media? Yes, I      | 
    | reincarnated MUDA-L! Subscribe here:                                | 
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    |                               MUDA-L                                |
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    | Please add you MUDA nickname in the end of the full name field. :-) |
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                    Gandalf the God  |
    |    /---------------------------------------------------------------------/
    |   /  (Last update: Sep 02 2023)                                         /
