_ _____________________________________________________________________
 / \             A  N E W  W O R L D  W A I T S  F O R  Y O U !          \
|  |                    Multi-user dungeon adventure !!!                  \
 \__|                       MUDA, The Bitnet MUD                           |
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |
   |                    The Ultimate Programming Team                     |
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |
   |                              PRESENTS                                |
   |                                                                      |
   |               MMM   MMM UU     UU DDDDDDD       A                    |
   |               MMMM MMMM UU     UU DDDDDDDD     AAA                   |
   |               MM MMM MM UU     UU DD     DD   AA AA                  |
   |               MM  M  MM UU     UU DD     DD  AA   AA                 |
   |               MM     MM UU     UU DD     DD AA     AA                |
   |               MM     MM UU     UU DD     DD AAAAAAAAA                |
   |               MM     MM UUU   UUU DD     DD AA     AA                |
   |               MM     MM UUUUUUUUU DDDDDDDD  AA     AA                |
   |               MM     MM  UUUUUUU  DDDDDDD   AA     AA                |
   |                                                                      |
   |          The Multi-User Dungeon Adventure game for BITNET !!!        |
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |
   | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |  Address: MUDA@GRCRUN11 -- Use interactive messages to connect   | |
   | |           ------------                                           | |
   | |  (like Relay) - no mails please.                                 | |
   | |  Try:                                                            | |
   | |  HELP FILE, to receive 2 detailed info files.                    | |
   | |  SUBSCRIBE <your full name>, to register.                        | |
   | |  UNFREEZE, to signon and start playing.                          | |
   | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                           The Story !!!                              |
   |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                              |
   |                                                                      |
   |   You are in block C of the University of Crete when something goes  |
   |   wrong...  The rooms are colder than usual, strange people walk in  |
   |   the corridors, strange objects appear suddenly.  You realize that  |
   |   you are not in the real world, but in virtual reality.  The Great  |
   |   Mage  is the  one  that put you  here!  There's no big difference  |
   |   between MUDA and the real world.  You must survive and collect as  |
   |   much money as you can before you die (like in real life).  You'll  |
   |   meet many  people in  MUDA of  which some  will be  friends,  and  |
   |   others  enemies.  There are monsters to fight  and quests  to  be  |
   |   solved...  Are you man  / woman enough to enter another world?  A  |
   |   world where everything has its place - and where there is a place  |
   |   for (almost) everything... :-)                                     |
   |   Registration  is open.  Send the command SUBSCRIBE <full name> to  |
   |   the server.  Once you entered the game and played it  a few times  |
   |   you'll get a better idea of MUDA.                                  |
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |
   |               Try hard to become a Mage AND THEN ........            |
   |                                                                      |
   |              BUILD YOUR OWN ROOMS, CREATE YOUR OWN CYCLE !           |
   |                                                                      |
   |                 6 QUESTS TO BE SOLVED, AND COUNTING !                |
   |                                                                      |
   | Prime time : 09:00 to 17:00 for nodes with local time from GMT-5     |
   |              to GMT-3.                                               |
   |              09:00 to 13:00 for the rest of the network.             |
   |              (you cannot play during prime time ...)                 |
   |    /---------------------------------------------------------------------/
   |   /                                                                     /
| The dark corridors of Muda are waiting for you. Better be brave to try it!  |


MUDA-L is back! (NOT!)

Files section (code and data)

Old Players' Comments Page!

(What is this ?)

IPV6 Ready!